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UCLA, Ph.D. Linguistic Anthropology (Los Angeles, CA)                                                                        2018-present
University of Kentucky, M.A. Linguistics (Lexington, KY)                                                                         2016-2018

University of Kentucky, LSA Summer School (Lexington, KY)                                                                   2017

University of Allameh Tabataba’i, M.A. Old Iranian Languages (Tehran, Iran)                                            2011-2014

Awards-Grants (selected)

  1. Research Award, Department of Anthropology, 2024

  2. Society for Linguistic Anthropology John Gumperz Graduate Student Essay Prize, second position, 2024

  3. The Laura Bassi Scholarship, 2023

  4. Dissertation Year Fellowship, 2023

  5. Research Award, Department of Anthropology, 2023

  6. Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, 2022

  7. Dr. Harris/Hariri Family Funds —Mosafer Centennial Fund for Near Eastern Scholars

  8. Graduate Dean’s Scholar Award, UCLA, 2020

  9. Graduate Dean’s Scholar Award, UCLA, 2019

  10. Graduate Summer Research Mentorship, UCLA, 2020



  • Editor (with Alireza Korangy, contracted)—Handbook of Caspian Languages and Linguistics, Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics, Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics.

  • Editor (contracted)—A Companion to Linguistic Anthropology: Language, Culture, and Society in Homelands and the Diaspora, Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics.

Journal Articles

  • 2023 - (with Andrew M. Byrd) The Indo-Iranian Labial-Enlarged Causative Suffix: Proto-Caspian *-āwēn-, Eastern Iranian *-(ā)u̯ai̯a-, and Indic -(ā)páya-. IEUL, Brill.

  • in-prep - Pride and Profit: Control over Texts, Calibration of Intertextual Gap in Persian Poetry Classes in Los Angeles 

​Book Chapters

  • in-press - -əx- the Unexpected Passive Suffix in Gilaki Foomanati. In Handbook of Iranian Language Phonology, Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics

  • in-press - Discursive and Practical Consciousness in Spiritual Persian Poetry Classes in Los Angeles. In Handbook of Persian Discourse Analysis, Springer Handbooks in Languages and Linguistics

  • forthcoming - My Accent Has a Skin: Embodied Language Ideologies

  • forthcoming - (with Gregory Stump) Gilaki Negation Morphotactics 

​Ph.D. Dissertation

  • “Language Ideologies and Affects: An Ethnography of Spiritual Persian Poetry Classes in Los Angeles”
    Committee: Drs. Norma Mendoza-Denton (chair), Paul Kroskrity (co-chair), Purnima Mankekar, Domenico Ingenito

​M.A. Thesis

  • 2018 - “Origin of Gilaki Causative -be(ː)-”

    Committee: Andrew Byrd (chair), Gregory Stump (co-chair), Mark Lauersdorf

  • 2014 - “Inchoative Aspect in Gilaki”
    Committee: Mojtaba Monshizadeh (chair), Mohammad Dabir-Moghaddam (co-chair)  




Connoisseur and Sommelier: Social Authenticity and Societal Alterity Among Iranians in Los Angeles. CLIC GSA Conference,  Los Angeles (canceled)

Unsettling Identities: Erfān and the Iranian Diaspora's Journey Beyond National and Ethnoreligious Boundaries, AIS Annual Confernce, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico City, Mexico

Enregisterment and Indexicality: Identity Within Mystic Persian Poetry Classes in Los Angeles, LSA Annual Meeting, New York     

Pride and Profit: An Ethnography of Spiritual Persian Poetry Assemblies in Los Angeles, MESANA, Denver, Colorado.

Khoshsirat, Z & G. Stump. The Morphotactics of the Gilaki Negative Affix. NACIL2, Arizona

-əx- the Unexpected Passive Suffix in Gilaki Foomanati. NACIL2, Arizona

Khoshsirat, Z & A. Byrd. The Gilaki Causative Suffix -be(ː)-: Its Function and Origins. Presentation at the 30th Annual UCLA Indo-European Conference

Gili, Dailami, Tabari: A New Classification of Gilaki Language, ConCALL-3, Indiana University

Ethnolinguistic Evidence in Five Inchoative Verbs of Gilaki About Rice Development, ConCALL-3, Indiana University

Grammaticalization of Inchoative Aspect in Gilaki, Central Kentucky Linguistics, Conference, February 2017

Diachronic Study of Two Inchoative Verbs in Gilaki, LSA Summer Institute Poster Session



Mendoza-Denton, Z. Khoshsirat, Natalia Casio-Lara, Cate Dark, Jester Mediano, XiaoXuan Wang. An Experiment in Mixed Reality, Co-Operative Action Lab, UCLA, Los Angeles.

Khoshsirat, Z, Y. Goto, G. Romero & N. Ramos. UX Professionalization, Digital Humanities, UCLA, Los Angeles.

Khoshsirat, Z, S. Castro & T. Slobe. Grants, Fellowships and Funds in Anthropology. Discourse Lab, Department of Anthropology, UCLA, Los Angeles.

Geographic Information System (GIS) for ethnographic projects. Discourse Lab, Department of Anthropology, UCLA, Los Angeles.

Invited Talks

LECS: Reconstructing Proto-Caspian Causative Suffix, Department of Linguistics, Allameh Tabataba’i University, Iran

Semiotic Processes: The Sociality of Signs, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Semiotic Works and Ideological Positioning: How Narratives Shaped Stereotypes of Gilaks in Iran. Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Indexicality and Intersubjective Realities: How Tehranis See Northern People, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Reiteration of Indexical Model: From Edward Said’s Orientalism to Mendoza-Denton’s Hemispheric Localism, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran.

Linguistic Anthropology: The Most Unattended Subfield of Anthropology in Iran, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Some Theoretical and Methodological Approaches in Linguistic Anthropology, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Language Ideologies and Ideological Positioning in Sociocultural Studies, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Ethnography, Fieldwork, Interview in Linguistic Anthropology: A Case Study, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Linguistic Anthropology and Gilaki, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Regimenting Signs, Rendering People Invisible, Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Linguistic Anthropology and Policy Making: Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Language Identity: Experts Demarcation and People’s Fluid Movement: Department of Persian Language and Literature, University of Gilan, Iran

Patterns of Negative Affix in Gilaki. Linguistics Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, California State University, Fresno ( 

zia DOT khoshsirat AT GMAIL DOT COM
Designed by: Zia Khoshsirat
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